Unfortunatley I can not bring myself to eat anything an animal has used to: a) think with, :eek:
b) lick with, :eek:
c) digest with, :eek:
d) walk on :eek:
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Unfortunatley I can not bring myself to eat anything an animal has used to: a) think with, :eek:
b) lick with, :eek:
c) digest with, :eek:
d) walk on :eek:
's right. My missus does the best lambs fry baon and onion gravy I've ever tasted, (including my Mums and she's a good cook too)and no you aint invited to dinner!
a) lambs brains, crumbed, fried in butter and spread on toast, a bloody bewdiful feed.Quote:
Originally Posted by Brudda
b) tongue, Ok I guess, not fussed on it though.
c) I guess your'e grouping fry and all in this, and you know my thoughts about it. Sweet breads, (pancreas I think) are a bit rich. kidneys are bloody delicious in the ol' steak and Kidney pie. tripe is really really really really really and I do mean really yuck.
d) depends what you mean walk on, you don't actually eat the hooves do you. lamb shanks slow cooked, or braised make a good feed too.
Same here, my missus loves it though......blerkkkkk http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/ups/mamo/mies.gifQuote:
Originally Posted by DanP
Al http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/cwm/3dlil/puke.gif
you guys are making me hungryif you do this you will wash all the flavour outQuote:
<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 161315" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>Landseka</TD><TD class=alt2>dont forget a good soak & wash in salty water prior to cooking, it cleans the residue blood out of it.
I'm with the crowd.
You are making me hungry..... :)
My wife will not cook it but when she is away I do. Yum. :D :D
Gingerchick is also a lovely lady but she wont touch lamb's fry; or liver or kidney or haggis or brains or anything other than steak or chops or mince.Quote:
Originally Posted by rod1949
Luckily I'm as skilled in the art of food preparation as I am in the art of marquetry.
Not true, I dont know anything about marquetry
Originally Posted by goat
No, you guys are making me nauseus.
'Scuse me while I puke.
Thanks fella's,,,,,,wash it first(maybe),,,,,,thinly slice it,,,,,,,flour it......low heat it.....with butter........but I think ........
This is what the problem was.......thanks.........I remember commenting to the misses......'that too small a pan for all that isn't it ? ... couldn't you buy it in a smaller portion ?' to which she replied.......Quote:
Originally Posted by simon c
' Thats the only size they sold it in.....now do you want this crap or not ?.....anyway what do you know about cooking ? so shut up '
Yeh.....Charming I thought,,,,,,have to wait at least a week for this mood to pass,,,,,,but sadly,,,,,, in my home thats called foreplay. :rolleyes:
if you're feeling a real lift after eating liver then there's a good chance you're anaemic (low in iron). It maight pay to get a check up.
Mick (MD) ;)
...or maybe you have Portnoy's complaint :DQuote:
Originally Posted by journeyman Mick
My DOG'S outside barfing ... or is that barking :rolleyes:
Well Im a woman (well I was the last time I looked) and I just love lambs fry, but HWMBO detests the stuff. So what does that mean?????:confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by AlexS
I still think its offal that is not nice
The trouble with life is there's no background music.
Liver is very high in a whole bunch of vitamins.
So if you get a craving for lambs fry, buy a few hundred grams, feed it to your cat and take a multi-vitamin. You'll feel better, your cat will feel better and no-one will have be revolted by what you ate. :D