Now you said the honey was up here didn't you? You wouldn't be tricking me again would you. :doh:
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Now you said the honey was up here didn't you? You wouldn't be tricking me again would you. :doh:
Howd I get up here ???
Honest I fell asleep on a sapling just yesterday and woke up here.
Would you drop the mouse please? You know I hate mice!
Just pussy-footing around.
Those Bloody Salmon can jump high
Just a bit closer... nearly there... brown bear, black forest, bombs away!
Wotchit Cat, I'm wunna them Drop Bears!!:oo:
I've been working on this project so hard, I hardly know up from down anymore...
Somedays you just don't know whether you're coming or going.
I know what I am talking about, I'm an architect. Just build what I drew
Frank decides this is the last job he takes on from MC Escher
Opening soon: Center for Non-Euclidean Studies.
"The difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer."
I can't think of one, it just makes my brain hurt.