:rofl: COM! :D
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"It is a fine line between the slippery slide down the runners back and crushing the carotid artery."
A few good ones there, but after long deliberation, I liked mic-d'sGo for it, mic-d.Quote:
I found your air leak Darl!
Thanks Alex. here's a pair of muts.
Wuff, we was fwamed I telz ya.
Good dog, bad dog!
In the canine world, Apartheid is still an issue.
(Sings) One black one, one white one ....
"what are you in for?"
Ernie's theory that 2 dogs can't get through a besser brick was proved correct by the lab test.:p
The Black & White Masonry Show.
Stereoscopic seeing eye dogs.
All in all you're just another Lab in the wall.
We can't go this way, it seems to be blocked.
White lab: "How are we going to get out of here?"
Black lab: " Don't worry it'll be a breeze."