You playing a differnt tune now??:q
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found this and it seemed apropriate.
I don't think anyone really doubts that, do they? Given all the stuff that has gone on elsewhere in the world, why would we think we are any 'safer' from it here?Quote:
Is there a threat of terrorism to australia?
It's more a question of whether the response is proportional to the risk. When you think about the number of situations in which the police's 'hands are tied' why this particular cause to 'free them up'? What other situations are there in which someone can be taken into custody on suspicion that they intend to commit a crime, or might know someone who intends to commit a crime?
Well then the system would just be completely overwhelmed. Just think, they could abandon sniffer dogs outsides raves and just arrest everyone on suspicion of wanting to take expensive waste of money ecstasy
One mans terrorist is aonther ones freedom fighter:oo:
Hi Dazzler,
Metal Head may have moved on, I havent. Some coments on our Dr's situation. The moment the media got hold of it, well, we know what happens with perceptions of innocence etc. Big mistake that one, makes it difficult for those of us who are not in possession of all the facts, including the media. But the alternative, called rendition, is much worse. There has been a book published by one of the lawyers defending Guantanamo suspects, here is how I found out about it. Even Pinochet or Stalin would have been proud of the place.
Perhaps another way it could have been handled. Get a court order based on reasonable suspicion to conduct the monitoring. Monitor every breath the guy makes. Corroborate the evidence from Scotland Yard while watching him. He had a one way ticket to India, big deal, one way is often the cheapest way to fly. He had a good job in Aus and probably would have returned, tell the Indian authorities and send a spy after him. Then, when there is proof, throw the book at him. Holding him to gather the information to prosecute must put insane pressure on those gathering the evidence, particularly if they have been indoctrinated the way those poor military geeks at Guantanamo have. The DPP dropped it, how profoundly embarrasing for the whole system.
Now, would you trust Indian military?, I dunno either, having spent some time there, I got the impression that most people were for sale.
I think and independent process is needed before the arrest. The whole thing smells of knee jerk by well meaning professionals.
My concern has been and remains the freedoms that I have enjoyed. The freedom to argue about this stuff, probe and come to a considered opinion (try this converstion on a Chinese website). The presumption that I am innocent in the face of a paranoid political environment. The freedom to ask radical Muslims (or any radical other for that matter) to explain their views without being painted as an associate. I think we have it good, I want to keep it that way,
My two bob's (again)
Hi Sebastian
I agree with that. Truly Ruly :D .
Except the worry that his departure (rapid and maybe legit) could be because he has completed his acts in preparation and is trying to get out before it occurs. A long bow to draw of course.
The big difference that I had found as an investigator was the change in focus from "who did what" to "What if?". A major shift in thinking from response to proactive.
Anyways I have enjoyed the debate and thankful we can have it in this great country. What was disappointing was being slagged that I sounded like a racist and was a "howard lover" when anyone who has followed the threads over the past couple of years, particularly in orange room, would be aware of my negative views on Iraq and the stupidly named "war on Terror" :rolleyes: :(( .
I love John Howard too. He was great in Sea Change!