Take it away Tea Lady
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Take it away Tea Lady
A less messy successor to the egg and spoon race.
"Today you wouldn't see this as those with congenital birth defects, such as being born with a wooden spoon in their mouth, can have them surgically removed."
"The soup was so good they ate the plates too, but the spoons just wouldn't fit."
In another thread, Kidbee was looking for something hold spoons.
Tea ladies unties performed the traditional coming of the elephant while knowing she had finally got it.
If you want to look realllyy stupid, this what you do.
(Photos of TL's last birthday party)
All right own up - who put superglue on the spoons?
Little old for weaner plates aren't they?
Flo thought it would be a good joke to put superglue in the CWA ladies' chocolate cake mix.
The finalists in the Koala lookalike contest.
Meanwhile, our photographer has stumbled upon the nesting site of the rare Lesser Spotted Spoonbill.
C'mon TL, where'd you get to?:)
The ladies from the farm next door to Chernobyl