And if refugees don't have a Visa, They will not be allowed to settle in Australia.
Cigaretts will be $5.00 each, but this is to deter smoking .... Not to raise my pay ... er er .... Revenue!!!
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And if refugees don't have a Visa, They will not be allowed to settle in Australia.
Cigaretts will be $5.00 each, but this is to deter smoking .... Not to raise my pay ... er er .... Revenue!!!
Time to go back to sheeps.
Attachment 280147
Lady BaBa
Daft punk finally remove their helmets
Going from one generation to another
My boyfriend is just going for fush end chups.
Baa Baa Binks. (you need to be a Starwars fan)
Being put out to stud isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Kiss haven't aged well at all
When sheep go bad.
..What the flock...