It's upsetting not having smwhr to go each day.
Cliff?.....Off to Portland to see SteveP...WWF.
Garfish....Kingfish....plenty snapper. Huge variety of sharks. I release nearly all.
On the breakwall, the reports I'm getting tell me the fish are all over. Yay!
Fish right next to my car. 20 mtrs deep. Little stove on tailgate for bacon nd eggs.
I'm always up about 5.3oam to start by 6 till it gets dark.
Plenty off other spots to go to as well.
Gra? Thankyou. Yes I have shown the boss some notes. I've made a few on this comp in Word too.
Basically they deny everything I say. So that must mean I'm a deliberate troublemaker or I'm a nutter. You decide! ha he. :U
I told them Ystrdy that I didn't tel them about last Thursdays pushing and shouldering cause they will tell me where to go. Again!
They are sick of it. So am I. Who do I tell then?,I said to them ystrdy.
I said shall I go to the police? They laughed. About the assult I mean.
I got paid out $31oo. It'll last me till end of Jan. I'll make it :2tsup:
I'm on holidays. A little earlier than I wanted. By 2 weeks. Gotta be positive.
They said ystrdy, " D denies he hit you, head butted you ( very light ) and pushed ? shoulder shunted you".
Cause my back is poor I can't do anything. I shouldn't anyway. I'd rather take one so I can really get into them legally.
They said " So where are all these accusations coming from?"
I believe D did admit to it to them BUT, they are saying he didn't so as to avoid further confrontation from me.
Tea lady? I hate that! D never spoke to me either untill I spoke to him. I am always kind in beginning the days work. How rude and mean some people are.
I always start off the morning with a cheery voice. Gotta start things off to see if you can make them better.
They said ystrdy " We are going to have a talk to them all tmmrrw". So what does that tell you? If this stuff didn't occur why have a meeting about it?:~
Part owner G has over 3 nd a hlf yrs, for his amusement.......
Spat on me often.
Poured thinners all over me often.
Stood very close with an ignigted lighter, after going to get mine from my bench.
Grabbed me around my throat 3 times.
Humilitate me in front of visiters who are passing through.
Goes through my personal stuff and helps himself to my food and choc.
D often hid my plans so I would spend valuable time searching for them.
He mixed up my sorted screws so when I screwed a panel onto a cab side, scew would come through. Yes! I know ! Always size check the screws.
He would ram saw sliding table into me and my back.
I asked recently, " D will you continue to F me up?" He said " yes..because I enjoy it".
He would lightly scratch a panel and I would get yelled at for not being careful for when I moved cabs into the setup. I saw him do it and he denies it. Went straight to the boss. I was blasted.
He hides my tools. I end up with the crappy drills and squares. He uses my bench and deliberately leaves me a mess to clean.
If I don't know how to do some little job , he wont help and pass on info so I can get on with it.
M who is CEO told me once in only my 3rd mnth there 2oo5 " be careful, D will try to frrrcuk you up".
I believe they are worried that they've not heard the last of me. :2tsup:
M then told me that another 3 times since.
Now if you're the CEO and you make such a statement you ought to not allow these things to happen.
What a stupid man for admitting this to me.
G and M have both endorsed all of this stuff and think it's all harmless fun. I like to have a little fun too. But not as described.
I am always polite to people so that I may have peace and cooperation in working with them. BUT! If they force me to react I will. But I wait for a while and listen before I give up.
I try to never instigate a bad attitude or reaction but If I'm forced ...I will respond likewise.
All I want now is to penalise them to teach them that this behaviour can't continue with others.
I am not satisfied to just walk away. And let D get away with all he has done to me.
I want no harm to come to anyone! You know what I mean.
Tony. :U