I've spent the last 6 days drilling for water.Today is a day of rest before I go back to my real job in Moomba.Today is a beer day!Myself,I am enjoying a few Coopers Pale Ale.What's your choice of booze?
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I've spent the last 6 days drilling for water.Today is a day of rest before I go back to my real job in Moomba.Today is a beer day!Myself,I am enjoying a few Coopers Pale Ale.What's your choice of booze?
Don't mind a Pale Ale but i lean (sometimes quite severly) towards a Hahn Premium or Red Roof.
And if at the local I lean even further towards a Toohys Black.
Go along with your taste in Cooper's. A real great brew. Came across one in NZ that's worth the gargle, Speight's ale. When I was a fit keen skier, (alas a few years ago now) I used to look forward to stopping at the Cardrona Pub after a punishing day to wet the tonsils with it. Haven't come across it in Oz.
War does not decide who is right.War only decides who is left.
Coopers Sparkling Ale :2tsup:
The choice of watering hole for me and my friends is based on whether they serve Coopers on tap (but we will settle for bottled if pushed :))
Pepsi. :)
If all that was to be had was beer I'd take a Guinness though.
Really though, a bottle of Pepsi, chilled in the freezer until 32.5 deg, right upon the point a bit of frozen scum is forming at the top, take it out and pour into a proper glass glass. :U Nothing like it. :p
A&W Root Beer is hard to beat as well though, that I like on tap, in frozen mugs. Aaay, now thats some good stuff. :2tsup:
Coopers Sparkling Ale, a Guiness at a pinch, otherwise green tea.
Generally tend to think all are good but some - Like any Coopers, Guiness, Boags, Southwark, LaBatt - are better than others.
The only Beer I never managed to finish a stubby of was the putrid brew in Tahiti.:oo::oo::no::no:
James Squire Porter:2tsup:
Recommend to anyone who likes Tooheys Black
Any free grog is excellent! If i have to buy i would go for a Cascade Pale Ale.
Squire's Golden Ale....mmmm yum :)
I'm a Tooheys' Old drinker ,I love the stuff .I assume that's what you call Tooheys' black.
Don't mind a Guiness or a Coopers Stout now and then.
On a cool night I like a shot of port or three.
Having one now actually.
I'll have to look for the James Squire ,but I don't hold much hope of finding it up here ,unless Woolies Bottle shop has it.
Hahn Premium for me.