HVLP Conversion Spraygun
Greetings All,
With the Melbourne Wood Show coming up soon, I'll be in the market for a decent HVLP conversion gun (the type with that runs off a normal compressor, rather than a turbine like the fair dinkum HVLP's). Perhaps something like this :
or this :
I've used a normal spraygun hanging off my 2HP 20L compressor, but wasn't really impressed with the results. The amount of overspray was a killer, and the (smallish) compressor struggled to keep up with the gun. I'm really interested in going HVLP, for much better transfer efficiency (hence less overspray) and general ease of use in a hobby workshop.
I'd like to be able to apply as wide a range of finishes as I can with this gun. I guess laqcuers, shellac and possibly stain will be on the list for starters. Obviously I'm a complete novice when it comes to spraying, so I'd appreciate any advice you guys can throw my way, even if it's not directly related to HVLP.
I note that Apollo HVLP Australia will have a stand at the Melb show, so any inside goss on their products in particular would be great.
I have a Porter cable HVLP gun that I recently baucht from carbatec. It is similar to the STAR gun and a number of others.
Many of the similar guns are very close in price and probably come from a similar source.
I am only beginning to use it but so far quite impressed. The amount of overspray is greatly reduced.
I made my decision after visiting a mates workshop while he was spraying some items and noted the conspicuous absence of the cloud of overspray.
The word is that the compressor operated guns have a number of advantages over the turbine machines.
There is a big deal made og the HLVP thing but this gun looks very similar to its plain gravity gun brother. I believe the difference is the size & design of the fluid cap assy in addition to an on gun regulator.
I reccon It was $200 well spent.
Hi Soundman,
I've read that some of the HVLP guns can be pretty thirsty for air when driven by a compressor. For example, the Apollo web site recommends that you need a 3HP compressor with a 20 gallon (75 litre!!!!) tank that can push 7 CFM @ 45 PSI.
Did your Porter Cable gun come with any recommendations regarding compressor capacity ? What kind of compressor are you using to run yours - did you happen to notice how often the motor kicks in to top up your tank ?
I had looked at the Porter Cable gun previously at Carbatec, it's fair to say that it's still on my maybe list. I'm definitely going down the conversion gun path, it seems like turbine systems have associated hassles that are usually solved by spending lots of money.......
Sorry for the twenty questions, I would greatly appreciate any feedback.