Start puppy school tonight, :oo:
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Start puppy school tonight, :oo:
First day of school is so much fun.
Cute little beastie. What is he?
Thought she looked a bit spanielly.
Have fun, but that's the basic definition of Puppy School :D
Keep it clean.:~
First day of school is so much fun.:) Oh yeah for whom?:((
Doggie:2tsup: ,
you the teacher:C :doh: :no:
the instructor:o
or the accountant:U :;
There was an incident regarding the things that dogs do because they can.
I won't ask ,thankyou, get off my leg Fido:rolleyes:
We went to buy Arfa a harness for walkies and for restraining him in the car today, and when we told the lady behind the counter of the "pet wholesalers" his age, she gave us a lecture about walking puppies at too early an age.
It apparently gives them beefy legs if you walk them too early in life? :?:?
Arfa is now 10 weeks old.
Ill have to make some sort of wheeling devise for him to save his legs.
Al :U
I think the deal is that you shouldn't walk puppies very far until they are about 6 months old. Walking the dog down to the shops from your place is probably far enough for the next month or two.
I'm working on the canine version........