NC lacquer
Hi guys, really need a bit of help. I am about to purchase a compressor and spray gun and will be able totake lessons in spraying from thenephew.
I have heard about the NC lacquer and wish to try it. Can you tell me what its commercial name is and where to obtain stocks from please.
Thanks in advance
Haymes, Wattyl, Cabots, Dulux, etc. all have their own NC Lacquer each have different names all are usually available in a variety of gloss levels. You should be able to get it an any good paint shop. Maybe even at Bunnies but I'm not sure about that one.
Ask the seller for more information on names, gloss level, apropriate thinners. etc.
Cheers - Neil.:)
Not forgetting Mirotone as well.
Some commercial manufactuers products are actually just named by number.... like mirotone 830/30 (the /30 represents gloss level in percentage)
NC Lacquer
Hi Roly,
There's also Ameron Coatings stuff
called Ultralac 863 which is a
"pre-catalysed" topcoat and goes well
especially in HVLP's