What to do with/to this driveway?
Hi All,
First post here! Been stumbling through the forums, and there's heaps of good advice. I'm hoping someone/s can point me in the right direction with my driveway...
See attached piccies. Basically, it's an old concrete driveway with heaps of aggregate. It's cracked to buggery, has a few potholes, and has the roots of some pretty big trees pushing it up in places.
Now, my question is this: do I rip this driveway up, and start from scratch? Or can/should I whack a layer of roadbase over this, and then re-concrete?
The driveway (in fact the whole block) is on a considerable slope, so raising the height of the driveway another 4-6 inches won't make a lot of difference.
Suggestions, anyone? :)
http://www.progensoft.com/temp/pics/...iveway 001.jpg
http://www.progensoft.com/temp/pics/...iveway 002.jpg
http://www.progensoft.com/temp/pics/...iveway 003.jpg
http://www.progensoft.com/temp/pics/...iveway 004.jpg
http://www.progensoft.com/temp/pics/...iveway 005.jpg