dilemna re bathroom floor screed removal
in the midst of renovating front of house, the back bathroom "leaked" from the shower under the tiles and destroyed the screed. It went under a partition wall into laundry - (and into a bedroom). Bedroom fine, just carpet etc.. insurance company said they will cover the damage from the shower but not the shower.
I apparently need to pay for waterproofing shower and retiling it. They got aguy out to do a quote who said all floor screed needs removing from bathroom and laundry (11.5m2) and rescreeding and tiling.
Insurance will not oprganise job they say because aportion of it is our costs. I have now come to the cynical conclusion that they will not do it because there is n one out there free to do it! i canl;t even get soemone to do a quote unless I wnat the whole bathroom done form top ot bottom.
I want to do the tiling!
What I wnat to know is:
Can i remove the floor screed myself? it is a slab with screed and tile on top. He Who Obeys has a pretty impressive hammer drill which chisel ends etc.. which i can use, but I am worried about around the waste outlets etc which are all PVC piping. Also I assume form loking at this site that there will be damage to shower cemenet board walls if I remove tiles form them. and HWO is very concerned about partition wall - if screed goes under wall will this be a problem?? (which is not that unlikely given previous house owner did work himself which would be Ok if he bothered to do anythign to code or even to do some research but he was way too overconfident - I prefer to err on side of caution)
Does the tiler do the waterproofing or is that yet another person - whilst i am happy to do second fixing, tiling, etc eg. Put my toilet, basin etc in other bathroom and had checked by plumber - alll fine - I do not want to be responsibel for things which might cause significant probelms later on.
Want to do rest myself not just because of $ but also frankly the sheer fun and accomplishment.
What is reasonable cost for doing the screed? Any ideas on whether anyone in adelaide willing to do just the basics?
Hope you can help.