Tas Oak Flooring on Existing Slab - Help Needed!!!
I am new here, found your site via Google. I have been searching on here for a while for some info on a new Tas Oak Floor i want to install on an existing concrete slab. I want to use 85x12mm Tounge & Groove Flooring. I have been speaking with a few apparent professionals and they have been saying i should seal the slab and then use Bostic type Glue for the floor. I have a few questions, if anyone can help that would be appreciated.
1 - What sort of sealer should i use?? I understand it is a roll-on type like painting a floor.
2 - What is the best glue to use??
3 - If the slab is not completely flat how do i fix it?? Also what is an easy way to see how flat it is??
4 - I understand from the professionals that i should use light guage concrete nails every 450 mm for each floorboard and remove them the next day. Is this correct??
Any other info i need would be more than appreciated. (email address is [email protected])
Nick Rayner
(New Norfolk, TASMANIA)
Photos of flooring as promised!!!!!!
Ok here they are. All complete except the final finishing touches and of course sanding and polishing!
Seemed ok to do, took a whole day from 7:30am to 5ish to lay 16 Square Metres of Tas Oak Flooring. Here is what it has cost me to date:
Timber - $500
Bostick Glue & Sealer - $540
Labour - $300 Ish (Not quite sure yet!)
That doesn't include sanding and polising as this comes after when the Kitchen has been installed ! Next Tuesday the Kitchen goes in!
Anyway have a look at the photos..............
Thanks heaps for all help guys!
Nick Rayner
New Norfolk, Tasmania