Plumbers cost for small job!
Plumbers cost for small job!
<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Hi People,
I had a small job done today which basically had to be done.
I am replacing my stormwater drainage system myself and only got the plumber to install a new plastic pipe from my front fenceline to the gutter of the street, which is about 3 metres.
The cost to me for this service is $1642.30.
I knew plumbers costs were high but was a bit shocked at this bill.
Do they all charge the use of their equipment separately?
Here is the breakdown:
Run stormwater line to street to council regulations.
Council to restore concrete.
Service call $90.00
Labour 6 hours $360.00
Wacker $48.00 (he put a little bit of bitumen in 1/2 sqm)
Concrete saw $150.00 !! (2 short cuts across the footpath)
Materials $208.00 (5kg sand/cement, 3.0m 100mm pvc, 1/2 sqm bitumen
Small Kanga $50.00
Council Fee $90.00
Council Restore $497.00
Sub Total $1493.00
GST $149.30
Total $1642.30
When the plumber originally came out (different worker) to inspect my stromwater he used a few pieces of equipment too, which would have been about an extra $450 for less than 1 hours use, but I am selling him something cheap so he wanted to keep me happy.
Does this look right to those with more experience with plumbers?
I think I'm going to check with the council how much they really charge.
Before I left for work, I saw the plumber digging under the path instead of cutting it, it would have saved me most of the bill to not cut the path, so I'm thinking he may have cut the path to make money by charging me for use of the equipment.