Is there an additive that you can put in satin poly to flatten it more?
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Is there an additive that you can put in satin poly to flatten it more?
You can flatten it a bit with 0000 steel wool & Trad wax.
Shipway Spescoat in Adelaide have a multi-purpose product called, " Flattening Medium, " also called, " Dulling Medium, " which is added to the Polyurathane to reduce the gloss level. Hop onto their website, ( ), and have a look through it. They have all sorts of interesting Timber Restoration, Metal Restoration, Wooden Boat Coats, etc., there. Also anyone can contact the company by phone, or email, " Pick their brains, " AND receive helpful advice, suggestions, and handy hints, as they have been around for a long, long time.
Try here John if you didnt find it