Another "This can't be right"
My dear mum had the foresight to arrange for a prepaid funeral bond, I made an appointment to meet with the funeral director yesterday afternoon. Imagine my surprise/shock/horror/confusion when I got there and she told me the the bond had been cashed in by the Power of Attorny (me) in 2007 :C:censored2::ranting2::sad3::fineprint:.
The bond was originally taken out with Manchester Unity Friendly Society in December 1986.
In 2007 when mum went into care I obtained Power of Attorny (financial and medical) and organised mums finances so that she would receive an income that would meet all her expenses. One of the things I did was to cash in a small (~$2000) investment with Australian Unity. Apparently somewhere along the line Man. Unity became Australian Unity and the bond transferred. However, in the changeover AU did not set up the new investment as a funeral bond and I had no idea that I was cashing in mums funeral. Here's the kicker, you cannot cash in a funeral bond until the person who took out the bond is deceased (much like you can't touch your super until you retire).
The funeral director made several calls to AU to try and get some answers but their glib response was "well he's got the $2000", trouble is that the funeral mum put the bond on is now worth $6500.
Is there an ombudsman I can go to to help sort this out?
I hope that this rather rambling story makes sense, but I'm having trouble getting my thoughts together at the moment.