Why do young people think theyre immortal??
I'm sorry but I can't see the actions of the 19 year old driver of this vehicle as anything but criminal. Didn't any of his passengers appreciate the extreme danger associated with travelling at 140km with a P plater in control of the vehicle?? What can be done to change the attitudes of these young drivers??
From The Age:
About 100 friends and family gathered at the scene of a fatal car crash in Melbourne's north on Sunday to mourn the five young men killed.
The letters R.I.P. were spray-painted on the large tree knocked down by the force of the car, which police believe was travelling at speeds of about 140kmh when it spun out of control and crashed.
Five men, including the 19-year-old P-plate driver, were killed when the Ford XR6 sedan carrying six people from a party in Ivanhoe about 1.50am (AEDT) crashed on Plenty Road, Mill Park, in the city's north.
The crash impact ripped the tree from the ground, causing it to fall onto the car, tearing the vehicle apart.
A 15-year-old girl, the sole survivor of the crash, is in the Royal Melbourne Hospital with serious injuries.
Carload after carload of young people began arriving at the site on Sunday afternoon to pay their respects.
The mourners taped bouquets of flowers to the tree and placed other bunches beside it.
Some people stood, others sat and stared at the large crater where the tree was ripped from the ground by the force of the crash.
The mourners appeared stunned, gazing numbly at the scene, while others cried and hugged each other.
Flowers were placed at the site.
The girlfriend of the car's driver was among the mourners.
Natalie Bryant, 18, with red and swollen eyes, said her boyfriend had been "the nicest person on earth".
She said he had been a third-year apprentice roof tiler.
The crash killed the driver, from South Morang, along with another 19-year-old man, a 17-year-old male, and a 15-year-old boy, all from South Morang.
The 15-year-old survivor was from Epping.
Her 18-year-old brother, also from Epping, was among those killed.