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Threads 61 to 90 of 197


Exchange modern plumbing and drainage solutions with others.

  1. Arrow Plumbing - Jointing Compound

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 15th October 2009 12:40 PM
    bent, called, compound, cut, deceased, downpipes, guttering, installing, jointing, lol, mate, paintable, piece, plumber, plumbing, read, remember,, run, sealer, selleys, shot, silicone, single, stuff, thick, thnx, thread, tin, zincalume
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,868
    15th October 2009, 12:40 PM Go to last post
  2. Arrow Blooming Plumbers - southern Tasmania

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 10th October 2009 09:10 AM
    bloke.~, call, cash, connection, contact, current, details, evacuated, fairly, gas, hear, heating, hopeing, hydronic, job, kitchen, pay, plumber, plumbers, read, recommendations,, roof, septic, shoot, slab, tanks, travel, tubes, wet
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,935
    10th October 2009, 09:10 AM Go to last post
  3. Arrow Plumbing in bathroom

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 1st October 2009 02:00 AM
    bathroom, brick, chase, cheers, kev, mixers, option, pipes, plumbing, putting, read, reliable, rendering,, term, thinking, thread, walls, wondering
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,740
    1st October 2009, 02:00 AM Go to last post
  4. Arrow Question for Wonderplumb

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 14th September 2009 06:40 PM
    2tsup, electrical, question, read,, thread, wonderplumb
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,279
    14th September 2009, 06:40 PM Go to last post
  5. Arrow Plumbing - old steel pipe lengths

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 7th September 2009 08:00 PM
    100, assume, cheers, deck, dig, digging, freeze, house, inground, join, length, lengths, pipe, pipes, plumber, plumbing, previous, project, read, remove,, replace, save, scott, section, standard, steel, thread, threaded, usual
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,754
    7th September 2009, 08:00 PM Go to last post
  6. Arrow Is this plumbing legal

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 5th September 2009 08:00 AM
    advisable, arron, buried, cheers, compression, copper, fittings, front, house, legal, line, makes, meter, noticed, nsw, pipe, pipes, plumbing, polythene, quality, read, rear, reconnect,, short, slab, sturdy, tap, temporarily, thread
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,779
    5th September 2009, 08:00 AM Go to last post
  7. Arrow Plumber Recommendation - New Hot Water System

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 4th September 2009 09:10 AM
    approx, bathroom, brisbanes, gas, hook, hot, house, instantaneous, laws, lines, live, location, northside, packed, pipe, plumber, read, recommendation, recommendations,, require, run, storage, supply, system, thread, underneath, unit, virginia, water
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,661
    4th September 2009, 09:10 AM Go to last post
  8. Arrow Optimising plumbing layout

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 29th August 2009 11:40 AM
    avoid, cold, emanate, house, ian, kitchen, layout, maintaining, optimise, optimising, plumbing, pressure, process, re-routing, read,, screams, shower, situation, terms, thread, water, wondering
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,826
    29th August 2009, 11:40 AM Go to last post
  9. Arrow Find electrical and plumbing in brick wall?

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 6th August 2009 10:40 AM
    avoid, brick, cables, couple, drill, electrical, hit, hitting, holes, pipes, plumbing, question, read, rendering,, running, spot, surfaced, thanksrolleyes, thick, thread, tools, tough, unit, wall, walls, water
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,222
    6th August 2009, 10:40 AM Go to last post
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,363
    5th August 2009, 03:50 PM Go to last post
  10. Arrow plumbing help please. my solder wont stick!

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 4th August 2009 11:00 PM
    applications, apply, begin, begins, bubbles, cold, copper, easy, fitting, flame, flux, job, joint, lifted, orange, pipe, pls, plumbing, read, realised,, rolls, slides, solder, soldering, spread, stick, thread, tips, torch
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,715
    4th August 2009, 11:00 PM Go to last post
  11. Arrow Plumbing cost

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 25th June 2009 09:20 PM
    20k, 320.9, 357.0, attached, bottom, caz, cost, feeling, files, floor.pdf, heaps, horible, idea, laundry, level.pdf, original, plan, plumbing, post, read, reno,, renovation, rough, thread, wondering
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,588
    25th June 2009, 09:20 PM Go to last post
  12. Arrow American Toilet on Australian plumbing

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 19th June 2009 02:10 PM
    advice, america, american, ansi, australia, australian, bigger, changing, convert, din, figure, folks, guys, heard, home, install, install/have, installed, installing, learn, plumber, plumbing, read,, single, thread, time, toilet, toilets
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,138
    19th June 2009, 02:10 PM Go to last post
  13. Arrow Question for roof plumbers

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 14th June 2009 01:50 PM
    180deg, angle, assuming, bend, butt, chamber, chambers, complete, cut, downpipes, expansion, half, holding, house, joints, metal, motorcycles, period, plumbers, pvc, question, read,, required, roof, rotate, solder, surface, thread, weld
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,848
    14th June 2009, 01:50 PM Go to last post
  14. Arrow Leak in copper pipe (plumbers help)

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 13th June 2009 08:50 PM
    200, advice, alternatively, appriciated, bash, bottom, brisbane, call, cash, cashy, copper, emergency, fix, happy, leak, pipe, plumber, possibility, qualified,, running, silicon, solution, tee, thread, wall, week, weekend, west, wife
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,171
    13th June 2009, 08:50 PM Go to last post
  15. Arrow how do plumbers unblock drains in new houses?

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 11th June 2009 01:00 AM
    bathroom, blocked, drains, dunnie, easement, easy, hole, house, houses, inspection, kitchen, partially, plumbers, read,, run, snake, stick, thread, unblock, yard
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,951
    11th June 2009, 01:00 AM Go to last post
  16. Arrow Can this plumbing move be done?

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 8th June 2009 02:00 AM
    20k, allowed, bathroom, caz, cold, cooktop, dishwasher, forgot, freaking, gas, gather, guy, heaps, house, kitchen, laundry, machine, moving, paid, plumbing, read, reno,, sink, slab, started, taps, thread, washing, water
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,691
    8th June 2009, 02:00 AM Go to last post
  17. Arrow Why plumbers need to be careful

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 30th May 2009 08:00 PM
    aerials, answer, astound, board, brand, breakdown, careful, circuits, cons, found, gpo, guesses, house, imagine, job, main, mains, neutral, nev25, plumber, plumbers, read,, rewired, rinnai, street, surprise, switchboard, thread, weatherproof
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,782
    30th May 2009, 08:00 PM Go to last post
  18. Arrow anyone recommend a good plumber

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 15th May 2009 06:20 PM
    abbotsford, building, connection, couple, duct, flue, gas, heating, melbourne, months, owner, plumber, read, recommend, recommendations,, tasks, thread, unit
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,402
    15th May 2009, 06:20 PM Go to last post
  19. Arrow The Not So Great Electrical Debate

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 9th May 2009 01:50 AM
    askers, boring, clog, debate, electrical, endless, question, read,, start, stuff, thread, threads, witless
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,082
    9th May 2009, 01:50 AM Go to last post
  20. Arrow electrical goods price drops

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 8th May 2009 02:00 AM
    10%, 2000, 9.90, a$$, bought, bucks, cable, double, dropped, drops, electrical, kick, paid, power, price, read,, series, thread
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,452
    8th May 2009, 02:00 AM Go to last post
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,722
    30th April 2009, 07:10 PM Go to last post
  21. Arrow Electrician problems, help please

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 21st April 2009 01:10 AM
    astra, awaiting, ceiling, changed, completed, cover, detail, details, downlights, electrician, extension, frustrated, heard, hope, hoping, information, inspection, installed, jan, legislation, lot, pass, read,, roof, sign, space, thread, tia, track
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,537
    21st April 2009, 01:10 AM Go to last post
  22. Arrow Whoa electricity bill, compare yours

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 18th April 2009 12:30 AM
    24/7, 68cm, amplifier, average, bill, comsumption, console, day, days, dishwasher, drier, game, hiberated, hibernate, home, jan, load, machine, mine, night, power, read,, running, server, stack, standby, thread, top, washing
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,955
    18th April 2009, 12:30 AM Go to last post
  23. Arrow Qualified Electrician?

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 16th April 2009 11:10 PM
    3rd, 4th, apprentice, apprenticeship, cbs, checked, completed, electrical, electrician, employer, gained, install, job, licenced, licensed, qualified, rcds, read,, signed, switchboard, switchboards, thread, unsupervised
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,609
    16th April 2009, 11:10 PM Go to last post
  24. Arrow Electrical Water Pumps

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 2nd April 2009 12:40 PM
    advance, bunnings, cheers, clean, criteria, ebay, facility, fittings, for-, head, i.e, litres, matter, metal, minute, pertaining, plastic, pressure, pump, pumps, purchased, read,, replies, search, subject, tank, thanking, thread, water
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,454
    2nd April 2009, 12:40 PM Go to last post
  25. Arrow Electrician Wanted - Melbourne Inner North

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 18th March 2009 02:20 PM
    appears, arrange, ball, btw, call, details, electrician, expect, figure, head, job, leave, metal, monday, nature, onwink, park, pay, pmwink, pretty, qualified, read, reliable, rely,, send, taking, thread, time, week
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,762
    18th March 2009, 02:20 PM Go to last post
  26. Arrow Electrical License to change a light bulb?

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 8th March 2009 01:20 AM
    attempt, broken, bulb, bulbs, change, changing, consumer, device, direct, diy, electrical, electrician, electricians, employed, fix, forum, hand, happening, install, intended, license, light, non-electrical, question, require, section, staff, supervision, thinking, whilst
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 5,707
    8th March 2009, 01:20 AM Go to last post
  27. Arrow Electrical - What Can The Problem Be?

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 7th March 2009 11:10 PM
    230/240v, attached, black, ceiling, changed, checked, cheers, fitting, fittings, globe, globes, image, looped, mark, mewink, mystery, neutral, obvious, overlooked, poor, read, reading,, reply, solve, switch, thread, thumbnails, whilst, wires
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,935
    7th March 2009, 11:10 PM Go to last post
  28. Arrow PEX Plumbing

    Started by Reno RSS Feed, 3rd March 2009 12:50 PM
    articles, authorised, heating, hydronic, nsw, pex, plumbing, read,, systems, thread, usa
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 2,066
    3rd March 2009, 12:50 PM Go to last post

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