View Full Version : French Door Locking System?

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29th June 2009, 02:50 PM
In the early 90's I was working on a client's home and he had installed, a French Door locking mechanism that locked both doors at once. A little hard to explain, but what happened was this:

When say, the right hand door was closed against the left, both doors locked. The Right locked against the left, and the left threw bolts up and down when the right hand door was closed against it - in reverse, when you opened the right hand door, the left was freed as well

Anyway, it was a very nice system and the people i have called - i.e. ASSA ABLOY/Lockwood, and Handles Plus in Richmond (which is where I thought he got it) knew nothing of it or anything like it. I have researched the web today. to no avail so am wondering if anyone here knows of the product or has seen it and recalls the brand.

BTW I can't return to the home easily as we moved and the owner unfortunately passed away .... just doesn't feel right to knock on the door for that reason


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