View Full Version : Skirting Boards

Reno RSS Feed
29th June 2009, 02:50 PM
I am thinking of replacing the skirting boards in our lounge/dining room. It is a huge room so there would be a fair bit of work.
I have done some skirting boards and architraves in my bedroom renovation but this is a bit different as I would be removing old ones and replacing with new.
Do I need to nail the new ones on with a nail gun or will a hammer and nails do?
Do the joins all have to be mitred? or can I get away with butt-joints?
Will it look weird if the skirts are a different height to the architraves around the doorways as some of them are too narrow on one side to replace them all?

Also, secondary question, is it feasable for me as an amateur to be considering replacing the cornices too or is that something best left to the professionals?

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Lynnie :)

Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=76718&goto=newpost)