View Full Version : Question for electricians...

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13th June 2009, 11:00 PM
Hi all,

We are in the process of planning a full kitchen renovation in our new house. but we are a few thousand dollars away from starting. There was a couple of things we wanted to replace to tide us over until we can afford the fit out. One was to replace a GPO that had been "neatly" painted the same colour as the wall by the previous owners who clearly didnt know masking tape exsisted.

Now before anyone comments i realise the law is i get an electrician to do this, but seriously... for one GPO direct replacement, its a no brainer.

Anyway, the question related to what was behind the GPO. From what i can tell it appears as though the wiring goes into the back of the GPO like normal but also dissapears into the wall and goes off to another GPO about 1.5 metres further around the wall at the same level. So for example the red wire goes into a little connecter with screws and two come out, one to the first and one that goes onto the other. Same goes for the other 2 wires.

Is this common practice. Seems very dodgy... im in a town house with the electrical box in the garage below. It seems as though the whole kitchen is wires in a similar fashion. Is it common practice to have one wire form the box (id assume) supply numerous GPO's. Connected in this fashion?

http://electriciansupplies.com.au/sh...oducts_id=1165 (http://electriciansupplies.com.au/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=15_204&products_id=1165)

this is the style of connector used. I am just concerned of overloading a circuit. Eventually we will be replacing everything but probably not for about a year so i just want to be sure this is correct wiring and most importantly safe.


Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=76533&goto=newpost)