View Full Version : Oven Instal. Hardwire Vs 15 amp lead/socket?

Reno RSS Feed
10th June 2009, 11:00 PM
I am about to have a new oven installed. It comes with a 15 amp plug and also the option to hard-wire it. Which one is preferable? Getting it hardwired would be easier as my wiring is currently set up to have it hardwired, whereas if I use the plug uption I will need to buy and install a 15 amp GPO, and also have the hassle of having to drill a hole through the oven cavity into the next cupboard for the lead.

Does it really make any difference?

Also, Is it true that all electric ovens require an isolation switch nowadays? How does this work with hard-wired ovens if the power lead goes directly into the oven?

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=76505&goto=newpost)