View Full Version : How do Fitout-Chippies order Skirting?

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10th June 2009, 10:20 AM
Good-morning Boys (& Greenbottle...:wink:),

Tell me: how do Fitout Carpenters order their required quantities of Skirting? Do they just order a bundle of 5.4m sticks and cut it all down on site to the various wall lengths needed (such as you do with Cornices...), or do they give a schedule to the Timber Yards, who then dock it all for them, but with perhaps an extra inch or so added on to each piece as a tolerance?

I ask the question because it looks like I'll be buying the Skirting from Bunnings, and when I was in there yesterday looking at the bullnosed 13mm Tas-Oak, the place-stickers for the 10 different "available" lengths (ranging from 0.9 to 3.6m), were all side by side within a few cm of each other, but there was mainly only 3.6m sticks behind them, with only a couple of shorter lengths at the most. When I asked the fellow in the aisle about their normal procedure for providing the shorter lengths, his garbled answer seemed to indicate that I needed only to give them the lengths I needed and they would dock them down to size for me.

I've also seen at least two other Timber Yards where they mark the end of every stick with its length, as if they measure them again after they've docked them for a Chippy. But I'm pretty sure I've also seen Yards where everything is still 5.4m long...:?

So, what's the usual "Go" in the matter...:cool:?

Many Thanks,

Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=76496&goto=newpost)