View Full Version : Electrical Supplies

Reno RSS Feed
9th June 2009, 12:20 AM
With all the arguments about using a qualified electrician etc...WHY...do Bunnings and others sell electrical fitting, cable etc etc...we all know most of it is sold to the DIYer, if you really want to get serious, maybe,,, to buy electrical stuff, you need to show your licence...I must admit, I have done a bit of electrical work myself, but it is so easy to go and buy the stuff...if it was sold only to the qualified...I would be pi$$ed off, but I am sure I would get used to it...they sell this stuff...with a little discalimer sign...saying all electrical work must be done etc etc...if you aren't allowed to work with it...don't sell it to the DIYer..problem fixed....if you haven't got a drivers licence..you can't drive (legally)...same deal...but we also need to get rid of the cowboys out of the trade too.
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Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=76480&goto=newpost)