View Full Version : Timber Floorboards

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4th June 2009, 04:10 AM
We have just had a new house built and have blackbutt timber floors throughout. The boards were purchased well before they were laid on the floor and left un-nailed for about a month before they were glued and secret nailed. After living in the house for six weeks we have quite a few creaks and I feel when I walk around there are a lot of loose boards. Not having had timber floors before I don't know what to expect. Is this to be expected or should I be getting the builder back to fix loose boards or should they be left so that when summer comes and they expand they have somewhere to expand to. Should the joins be on the bearers because they aren't and that seems to be where the creaks are occurring where the boards join. Some advice would be appreciated. :?


Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=76437&goto=newpost)