View Full Version : Where to buy furniture lacquer in Brisbane?

3rd June 2009, 01:18 PM

I have just started out with pen turning and am interested in trying the furniture lacquer method of finishing.

I went into Bunnings and also one of my local Mitre 10 stores, but either I don't know what I'm looking for or they don't have it. When I asked for furniture lacquer I was given this blank look by their staff and asked what I wanted it for. When I told them to lacquer wood, they said they don't think they sell anything like that. They both sold lacquer thinners, just not lacquer.

I have found a brand of lacquer from a Sydney based company. I contacted them, and they have one distributor in Queensland, The qld distributor doesn't carry the lacquer in their product range. They can order it in, I was told that it'll probably take about 4 to 6 weeks. $27 for a 1 litre tin of the lacquer and $20 in freight costs from Sydney.

I am hoping to find somewhere else in Brisbane that may carry furniture lacquer on the shelf.

I originally posted this in the pen turners forum, but thought I might have better luck in the finishing forum.

I'm in Brisbane.

Any information would be appreciated.



3rd June 2009, 01:39 PM
I just bought auto lacquer....... Autobarn stocks K & H clear acrylic lacquer

3rd June 2009, 02:18 PM
Try Luxury Paints (http://www.yellowpages.com.au/search/postSearchEntry.do;jsessionid=AE6C2F222DF59B0FFD45DC20B098BA62.12?clueType=1&clue=Luxury+Paints&locationClue=&x=43&y=17), they stock a pre-cat lacquer, they also do a good 2 pack PolyU.

3rd June 2009, 06:14 PM
I called two Luxury Paint stores this afternoon, the one at Chermside and the one at Mitchelton and they both said they didn't sell or stock furniture lacquer, they both tried to sell me a Polyurethane finish instead.

Is 'furniture lacquer' the wrong wording to be asking for, is it sold under another name?



3rd June 2009, 06:23 PM
Lacquer generally comes in two forms (although there are lots of different types I suppose): nitrocellulose and acrylic. NC is what people have generally used for coating timber in the past, however acrylic is a lot more common these days than it was I guess. NC is probably getting more difficult to locate and you'd probably have to contact a specialist finish company to get it. Acrylic lacquer is more widely available and you can get it wherever they sell automotive finishes, because it is used on cars a lot as a clear coat.

I use acrylic lacquer from Concept Paints (they primarily make automotive finishes). It has been specifically manufactured for timber but I have no doubt it is virtually identical to their automotive product.

I think you will find acrylic easier to source and easier to use but it is water-clear and some people like the tone of NC better.

3rd June 2009, 06:25 PM
One more thing: you need to think about what gloss level you want because acrylic lacquer is usually available in 100%, 50%, 20% gloss etc. I think NC gloss level can be controlled using flatting agents but I have no experience with it so not 100% sure.

3rd June 2009, 07:29 PM
I called two Luxury Paint stores this afternoon, the one at Chermside and the one at Mitchelton and they both said they didn't sell or stock furniture lacquer, they both tried to sell me a Polyurethane finish instead.

Is 'furniture lacquer' the wrong wording to be asking for, is it sold under another name?



The product is a pre-cat lacquer called Luxlac, strange they didn't understand as it says "Premium Furniture Finish" on the can. It comes in a variety of glosses, from 100% to 10%.

3rd June 2009, 11:49 PM
That's amazing you can't source it in Brisbane. I sourced mine in Tamworth a town of 35,000 people. I would just try any automotive paint supplier.

Or you could try
Lincoln Sentry

(07) 3244 3200
48 Weaver St
Coopers Plains QLD 4108
http://www.whitepages.com.au/wp/images/spacer.gifShow map... (http://www.whitepages.com.au/wp/whereIs.do?locality=Coopers+Plains&streetNumber=48&streetName=Weaver&streetType=St&state=QLD&product=Q00W%23213418091%23Lincoln+Sentry&channel=WP)

(07) 3244 3255

They actually sell Pylon Lacquer