View Full Version : Is Age Difference Important?
27th June 2004, 05:34 PM
Ozwinner gave the stimulation to post this poll.
He was astounded that a member's wife was in his daughters class at school.
So lets see what everyone thinks!
Sir Stinkalot
27th June 2004, 06:22 PM
How old was the member?
By reading the post it would appear as if the member is the same age as Ozwinner with the wife being the same age as his daughter. Is this correct?
27th June 2004, 06:25 PM
I found out it was his daughter. :eek:
How that works I dont know? :confused:
How can you marry your own daughter? :confused:
And Stinky, my member is the same age as me.:D
Sir Stinkalot
27th June 2004, 06:29 PM
I did feel uncomfortable talking about your member in such a public forum :)
Robert WA
27th June 2004, 07:37 PM
Who gives a damn about age difference. Happily married for almost 38 years. Back then she was 4 years younger than me. The difference has stretched out a bit since.
My wife says she should have married a man with whom she had something in common.
C'mon old girl, we have plenty in common. To start with, each of us was married on the same day.
27th June 2004, 07:37 PM
my member is the same age as me
after you telling us what you wear in your workshop in another thread could you explain how you use it in your workshop?
27th June 2004, 08:15 PM
After telling us that I'm sure the ladies would find you a lot of fun!!
27th June 2004, 09:46 PM
Keep it clean and witty. :D
27th June 2004, 11:20 PM
Back on topic...had a friend at uni whose marriage to a bloke about her age broke up when she was about 40. after a couple of false starts she took up with a bloke 19...her son was 15...which she reckoned was terrific. But she ditched him after a while & the next partner was in his late 50s. Think she's moved on to someone else now.
Another friend was widowed in her 30's, and remarried after a few years. At 41, she had a new baby...a month after her first grandson was born....but that WAS in Tasmania.
28th June 2004, 12:10 AM
Des O'connor the english singer is 72.
His wife is 35 and expecting.
She's younger than his daughters.
But he doesn't look his age, reckon his lady keeps him young.
Kev Y.
28th June 2004, 10:03 AM
I wanted to vote C and D, alays remember that you are only as young as the woman you are with ( I am cleaning this up for Robbos sake)
and for the record.. my current female "companion", was 9 years old when I was 21!!! but now it doesn't make so much difference. :rolleyes: :cool: :p
28th June 2004, 10:49 AM
my boyfriend is 8 years younger than me and mostly I don't think about it the only time it has really bothered me was first time I had to meet his family (in case they freaked out - they didn't).
I think I might once have gone out with a guy who was older than me but mostly my boyfriends have been younger. I have a theory ( which is probably not capable of being proved ) that guys who are my age or older might in principle like the idea of capable confident women but would prefer not to go out with one :D . Remember that I am of the generation where a lady bus driver still excited comment, girls weren't allowed to do woodworking at school and friends of the family were bemused that I was going to university because it would be wasted on me, holding up the example of another girl who was already working and who had a boyfriend "who has a car!!!!" as something I should be aiming at :confused:
I wouldn't rule out going out with someone 10 years older than me but I doubt if it will happen. But if it works for other couples then all power to them is what I say.
28th June 2004, 11:34 AM
My wife is one year older than me (almost to the day). It's good to be that close in age in some ways because our childhood memories are all very similar and we can identify on a lot of things, similar taste in music etc.
Personally, I don't think it matters one iota. It can be a bit sad in later life though, if one partner is quite a bit older than the other. A friend of a friend is about to lose her husband of many years to asbetos related cancer. He is in his seventies, she's only early forties. That can happen to anyone though, regardless of age.
28th June 2004, 03:52 PM
In my family we have the whole range and I am the only one that married "traditionally". I am married to a woman 5 years younger, my brothers 1 year and 8 years older woman, my sister a guy 12 months younger. Doesn't really matter what it is as it is between the people involved.
The odd thing is that unmarried women live longer, unmarried men live shorter, men who marry woman more than twelve months older live only as long as unmarried men.
28th June 2004, 04:58 PM
"The odd thing is that unmarried women live longer, unmarried men live shorter, men who marry woman more than twelve months older live only as long as unmarried men."
Ahhh. another very good reason for my move from swmbo #2 to #3
Dust Maker
28th June 2004, 05:47 PM
Let me Quote an Indian (Hindi) saying "An older woman (Than Man) brings a big fortune".
Though I am not that lucky or is it unlucky.
That is my 2 cents worth.
Dust maker
28th June 2004, 08:12 PM
Badly out of whack! It assumes only one woman at a time......RIDICULOUS CONCEPT!!!
Sir Stinkalot
28th June 2004, 10:01 PM
The Stinkette is 19 days older than the Stink ..... Ahhh older women ;)
28th June 2004, 11:52 PM
Badly out of whack! It assumes only one woman at a time......RIDICULOUS CONCEPT!!!
Jesus Christopha, would you wish more than one of 'em on us at a time? :bewildered:
(Alright, I know there is no 'Bewildered' smiley but there damn well should be)
29th June 2004, 12:04 AM
Mrs Grunt is 11 years younger than me. I've been going out with her since she was 16. Good work if you can get it.
John Saxton
29th June 2004, 12:05 AM
;) Just the one SWMBO with the Visa firmly gripped is quite enough.I subscribe to the theory that irrespective of age and who holds the Visa as long as you're happy being together then thats all that matters.
Cheers :)
29th June 2004, 08:23 AM
SilentC said ... "Jesus Christopha, would you wish more than one of 'em on us at a time? :bewildered:"
Our exalted Guru , Christopha has shown us the way...
As Silent C has observed, several wives may pose administrative difficulties.
Which is why some cultures have a hierarchy with a "Head Wife" and lower level wives. The head wife controls all of the others and ensures that her lord and master is properly accomodated by all of the other wives.
Now in this age of sexual equality it stands to reason that women ought have the same right to have several husbands as in the Tibetan? culture.
So the obvious question is - how do we combine both cultures?
29th June 2004, 05:20 PM
(Alright, I know there is no 'Bewildered' smiley but there damn well should be)
Try this one.
Al :)
29th June 2004, 05:24 PM
Al, you have a bewildering array of smilies :rolleyes:
29th June 2004, 07:55 PM
Mixed my second batch of kids between my grand kids. :rolleyes:
SWMBO #3 is a lot younger than me. :D :D :p :D
Would not change anything for all the tea in china.
29th June 2004, 08:05 PM
Know the feeling David , life's great!!
Kev Y.
29th June 2004, 08:23 PM
Mixed my second batch of kids between my grand kids. :rolleyes:
SWMBO #3 is a lot younger than me. :D :D :p :D
Would not change anything for all the tea in china.
#3 DavidG some men just dont know when they are well off!!!!!!
Kev :cool: :rolleyes: :p
29th June 2004, 10:36 PM
Ozwinner gave the stimulation to post this poll.
He was astounded that a member's wife was in his daughters class at school.
So lets see what everyone thinks!
Is at all possible that the members wife was the daughters teacher :confused: :confused: :confused: '
:p :p :p
4th July 2004, 10:33 PM
#3 DavidG some men just dont know when they are well off!!!!!!
Kev :cool: :rolleyes: :p
Some of us are just that bit slower at learning.
It took three tries to get it right.
6th August 2004, 12:21 AM
My wife is exactly six months older than me... ..and she doesn't let me forget either!!!!!
6th August 2004, 12:58 AM
Not a lot of difference in age, only 3 years older than myself. My Pop though married a lady 23 younger than himself. Hmmmmmm.