View Full Version : A frustrating experience with Google Earth

23rd May 2009, 06:08 PM
Earlier today, when the planets and the stars were correctly aligned, I managed, by some serendipitous sequence of keystrokes, to get Google Earth 5.0 to display on the globe all the important features of plate tectonics - the plate names and boundaries, the subduction and spreading zones, and the sites of earthquakes and volcanoes. As a retired geologist, I was delighted that all this information was now available, but, after I closed that session of Google Earth, I found that I couldn't find the find the Plate Tectonics layer again.

After spending an hour in fruitless searching, I decided to try drawing on the collective wisdom and experience of the Forum. How do you get Google Earth to display plate-tectonic features?


23rd May 2009, 06:38 PM
Not sure if this helps but there is a plugin (http://www.gearthhacks.com/downloads/earthplugin.php?file=28662) for plate tectonics - assuming you're running Windows or MacOS.

23rd May 2009, 08:10 PM
Well, I instaled the plug-in. But what then? how do I get it to run? And surely it must be there already, since i saw it working this morning.



Master Splinter
23rd May 2009, 11:44 PM
Is the url you were using for Google Earth in your browser history?

24th May 2009, 07:19 AM
Is the url you were using for Google Earth in your browser history?

Huh? Am I missing something? I don't run Google Earth through my browser; it is a separate application altogether.


Honorary Bloke
24th May 2009, 07:34 AM

I piddled around with it today and can't find the tectonics stuff. Sorry. No, you are right, it DOES NOT run through the browser.

24th May 2009, 10:03 AM
David, welcome to the word of insanity.

I found your tectonic plates . . . :gaah:after updating google earth and screaming in frustration I type in "tectonic plates" into the search function and found a "plates kml" Diffuse is the name and it appeared as "J" in my search.

Hope this helps.

Manuka Jock
24th May 2009, 10:27 AM
I entered 'tectonic plates' into the search box , and got a list of locations .
'J' was one , a plate in Africa . I clicked it and am now looking at a green blur
Is there another search box for google earth somewhere ?

24th May 2009, 10:32 AM
Try page 3 :B

Manuka Jock
24th May 2009, 10:57 AM
Try page 3 :B

Even if we had English trash newspapers here , what would a page 3 photo have to do with tectonic plates ? :U

24th May 2009, 11:13 AM
Success! The plugin I needed is accessible by clicking on the 'Plate Tectonics' link in the second paragraph in this blog: http://ron.outcrop.org/blog/?p=323
Doing this opens Google Earth with the plate-tectonics layer in place; to save it, you simply move it from 'My temporary places' to 'My places'.


Manuka Jock
24th May 2009, 12:13 PM
Success! The plugin I needed is accessible by clicking on the 'Plate Tectonics' link in the second paragraph in this blog: http://ron.outcrop.org/blog/?p=323
Doing this opens Google Earth with the plate-tectonics layer in place; to save it, you simply move it from 'My temporary places' to 'My places'.

Good skills mate , cheers :2tsup:

31st May 2009, 12:19 PM
Bugger Plate Tectonics.....I want a Geosyncinal Theory plug in for my Google earth. A flat earth plug in would also be handy :D

31st May 2009, 07:02 PM
They have a subterranean layer - just try going west along Swan St. Richmond (Melbourne) to have a look at it. It kicks in near Richmond station.