View Full Version : hi peeps

19th May 2009, 11:44 PM
Hello everyone,

I just became a member and am very excited about it.

At the moment I am doing the HSC (yr12) in Sydney.
Last year I began doing a bit of burl carving with my angle grinder and, well, I guess I sorta got hooked.
I just bought a wood lathe off the trading post and I have, no joke, not left its side. So far I've made a number of burl bowls and am in the process of making a vase. My parents are, although supportive, not overly happy with my love of woodworking because of the time consumption and my priority of it over study. I've just run out of wood to work on tonight so I'm hoping to be off to get some more in the next few days WOOOOOOT!!! :UAfter school I'm hoping to do a furniture making course at north Sydney TAFE as well as a carpentry apprenticeship possibly on the Southern Highlands.

I'm guessing that you can post photos on this site so will hopefully i will put up some photos of stuff I have made soon.
Also being a beginner at woodworking I'm gonna need a few tips, thats were u all come in. :2tsup:

so yeah, thats me....
Hope to talk to y'all soon :;

Ed Reiss
20th May 2009, 12:23 PM
Hi ya' puncypanda...welcome to the wonderfully addictive world of woodturning (hope you've got a large bank balance!!!!).

Post some pics of what you've done.:D

20th May 2009, 01:56 PM
Welcome to the forum pp nice to have you aboard:2tsup:

21st May 2009, 03:00 AM
Welcome Aboard.

It is great that you enjoy woodworking. Do the best you can with your HSC.

21st May 2009, 12:26 PM
here are some photos of works iv done http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3554/3549471195_098985f90b.jpg?v=0
and here are a few things that i am currently working on

all the stuff i have made so far is from burls of various types although i now have some hairy oak, etc to make some natural edge bowls.

21st May 2009, 06:16 PM
At the moment im not exactly sure where i will do my carpentry course but i am guessing that i will do it through moss vale TAFE. we have a house in exeter so moss vale is probably the closest tafe. do you have any suggestions wheelinround? i dont really want to do industrial or construction carpentry but rather the more fine arts/interior design side of the profession although i have not really started investigating courses so any help or opinions would be awesome.

also if anyone knows of anyone getting rid of wood in the sydney region could u gimme a buzz cos im trying to start up a bit of a collection and buying it all isnt the most financially effective approach.

thanks all

28th May 2009, 12:52 AM
It does take time to acquire wood when you are strapped for cash. Not everything can be done straight away. I have recently gotten back into this after a very long break.

Ed Reiss
28th May 2009, 12:19 PM
Well, i'm impressed that your tackling the hard as stone varieties...you get points for that.:2tsup: