View Full Version : High-gloss smooth finish with enamel paint

16th May 2009, 12:09 AM
Hi everyone,

I am currently building some joinery at my house and wanting a high-gloss smooth finish for the cupboard doors. Obviously 2-pack paint over mdf gives the best result but i have had quotes of $100 p/m2 plus each side.
I have been experimenting with using high-gloss enamel over mdf using a roller (primed in acrylic flat paint) which comes up quite good (at only $2 p/m2 approx) but just doesn't achieve the 'wow' factor that sprayed 2-pack does.

I am hoping some one can advise me on how i can improve my enamel paint finish to achieve more of a sprayed two-pack finish. Currently i am getting a great smooth finish from the primer coats (after sanding it back), but get the orange peel effect from the final enamel top coat.

I have heard that heating the enamel paint by putting the pot in another pot of hot water may work.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Also does anyone know what the finest roller on the market is and where i can get it from (melbourne)


16th May 2009, 10:55 AM
I have only done this with a semi-gloss enamel but it looks good and does seem slightly glossier than i expected. Of course it isn't quit a professional 2 pac.

Just sand rather harshly in between each coat and keep going until you like the finish, you can see it change each coat.


16th May 2009, 08:49 PM
You have not said what type of roller you are currently using, but I assume that it is a short nap (5 to 6mm) of some variety. You have also not said what brand of enamel you are using.

Some tips for a reasonable result:

Good quality mohair roller with a 5 or 6mm nap. This should give a superior finish to a short nap synthetic roller or foam roller. Rota cota make one that seems pretty good. It might be under the sellys spirit brand or the rota cota brand, I can't remember, but it is mohair and not synthetic.

Good quality paint. Dulux 'super enamel' seems to finish better than some of the other oil based enamels.

Sand in between topcoats. Use 400 to 600 grit wet dry and sand wet.

You might also consider adding a small amount, say 5%, penetrol to the mix. I have not personally used penetrol for this purpose but I have heard it recommended to help achieve a spray like finish. Plus penetrol seems to work for just about everything else I have asked of it!

If you still can not get a result you are happy with then it might be worth giving a high quality natural bristle brush a go. I have heard that this will give a better finish than roller with oil based enamels, but I have not compared directly myself.

Good luck!!!