View Full Version : end of timber
14th May 2009, 10:12 PM
hi all, new to staning timber,I am using radiata pine , can some one help me ? how do i seal end grain so i do not get a build up of stain on the edges do i seal first , or stain first trird on sample but stuffed up
tried to search but found nothing so i hope some one can help :-:?
14th May 2009, 10:23 PM
hi all, new to staning timber,I am using radiata pine , can some one help me ? how do i seal end grain so i do not get a build up of stain on the edges do i seal first , or stain first trird on sample but stuffed up
tried to search but found nothing so i hope some one can help :-:?
The thing you're after is called a wood conditioner. You can use diluted shellac, something here (, or you can use diluted varnish, a bit here (
14th May 2009, 11:27 PM
G'day defender,
Yeah, what Michael said, but you also need to sand the end grain until it is very (very) smooth - go through the sanding grits to 400 grit.
Then seal like Michael said. I use U-beaut sanding sealer. Give end grain a couple of coats with a very light sand in between using 400 grit paper. Then stain.
Regards, Kev
joe greiner
15th May 2009, 12:06 AM
Dilute the stain for the end grain, as much as possible, and with guidance from the stain manufacturer. You can always add more if needed; difficult to do otherwise. Practise your procedures on scrap, and take notes.