View Full Version : What do you wear when you're woodworking?
23rd June 2004, 12:36 PM
It's been a while since we've had a new poll, so try this one.
What is your preferred mode of attire when woodowrking?
23rd June 2004, 12:39 PM
options please
23rd June 2004, 12:42 PM
Boy that was quick Wongo :)
23rd June 2004, 12:47 PM
Jeans, a flannelette shirt and a false beard, only the beard is real. If you can call it a beard. I only grow it because it hides my rugged Clint Eastwood chin.
I don't tuck my shirt in though. I'm a bit of a thrillseeker :eek:
23rd June 2004, 12:50 PM
I wear my “special” old clothes with an apron and I look great. :cool:
23rd June 2004, 12:55 PM
Have you got one of those Playboy aprons with the lingerie on it, or is it a nice gingham job with the lace trim?
23rd June 2004, 12:57 PM
Have you got one of those Playboy aprons with the lingerie on it, or is it a nice gingham job with the lace trim?
I don’t know what you are talking about. You very bad man.
23rd June 2004, 01:05 PM
One like this:
Or like this:
Wood Borer
23rd June 2004, 01:08 PM
Like Silent I have a real beard.
Yakka dacks and flannelette shirt in winter spring and autumn, shorts and navy blue singlet in summer. Blundstone boots all seasons.
After finishing with the tools in the evening - cold beer in the hot weather or a red wine in the cooler weather. I drink the red wine in the cooler weather because I am more formally dressed.
- Wood Borer
23rd June 2004, 01:55 PM
That reminds me – I must get a new pair of jeans, the old pair didn’t fair too well after going through Oz’s sander, in fact it looks as if the crotch has been cut out of em :D
Wood Borer
23rd June 2004, 02:02 PM
I hope that was the only damage done. Lucky it was a cold day too.
If you ask Oz nicely, he might be to patch them up with part of one of his bears thus making you less bare.
- Wood Borer
23rd June 2004, 02:11 PM
If I lived in the sub-antarctic latitudes that Eastie favours, I would wear long johns, jeans and a plaid shirt. As a resident of one of the warmer states, it is Yakka shorts and shirt on cool days, or Yakka shorts only the rest of the time.
Bob Willson
23rd June 2004, 05:08 PM
I generally wear whatever I put on in the morning. This has resulted in several damaged sets of clothing that are no longer suitable for ordinary day time wear. :(
This is despite the fact that I bought a dust coat specifically for use in the shop.
23rd June 2004, 05:41 PM
Sweetie, Where can I get one of those absolutely gorgeous pink aprons? :p
What you've never seen a termite in drag!! :eek:
23rd June 2004, 05:45 PM
I always nude up, I only put on clothes when I have visitors. :o :eek:
23rd June 2004, 06:04 PM
I always nude up, I only put on clothes when I have visitors. :o :eek:
Geez Al - you'd want to be careful of stray splinters ...
Hope you don't do your welding in the nude too, that could get a bit uncomfortable, not to mention to the all-over tan. :D
23rd June 2004, 06:25 PM
Qld_Long white socks
Vic-Depends on the weather
Tas-Teddy bear suit (ex Air Force Issue)
WA-Hessian jocks
NSW- :rolleyes: ;) :D
Wood Borer
23rd June 2004, 07:26 PM
I always nude up, I only put on clothes when I have visitors. :o :eek: Al
I will phone before I drop in next time, no offence.
- Wood Borer
23rd June 2004, 07:28 PM
No worrys WB, I would hate to be over dressed. :D
23rd June 2004, 07:33 PM
NSW- ( :rolleyes: ;) :DOK, Id like to order some 611's please!!!
23rd June 2004, 08:20 PM
Sorry Oz, Spam and bikinis are not a good look!
As for me, I have(but don't wear) this lovely white bib overall outfit, bought for me to assist me in overcoming my propensity for just greasing, cleaning, cutting or painting something as I walk past it.
With the "workshop" bit between where the cars are parked and the living part of the house, I tend to walk past often, and hence all my best clothes look like other people's work clothes.
Shoes are my challenge, preferred work gear comprises board shorts, tee shirt and bare feet or if I am going to be on my feet all day, a pair of good old single plug rubber thongs- the double pluggers are for knobs (wonder what the yanks will make of that when they read it?). Sometimes when I am feeling really flash, and need better foot protection, I pull on my Teva cross country sandles, and hope the chisel hits on the strap when I drop it.
23rd June 2004, 08:44 PM
Shorts, T shirt, beard & slip-on sneakers all year round. Apron if I'm gluing (messy bugger that I am).
23rd June 2004, 10:36 PM
Wood Borer
SilentC does not have a real beard. He does however have a real nice shiny "solar panel" (you know the type you read about on t shirts that say stuff that would cause Wongo to call the wearer a real bad man).
I am much sneakier about balding, which is why I have such a luxuriant growth of facial hair, when I finally need to do a comb over, I'll have plenty.
Also my nose acts as a pretty good solar collector, so I don't need to utilise the vacant space on top like he does.
As soon as I look up the props dept from allo allo, I'll get one of those little red numbers that Herr Flick of the Gestapo used to wear. As long as it comes in flanellette. :D
23rd June 2004, 11:00 PM
which is why I have such a luxuriant growth of facial hair
I always have concerns for (not about!) blokes with beards and a luxuriant head of hair.
When we are made the good Lord gives each and every one of us a finite measure of testosterone. Why anyone would want to waste it growing hair is beyond me!!
:D :D :D
23rd June 2004, 11:28 PM
Biting Midge
Are you one of the men in black who are known only as a letter of the alphabet? :D Are you feeling inferior in the hirsute department?
(hirsuteally(?) challenged?)
Sorry, :o I only have a beard because I'm too lazy to shave, the skin comes away whilst the whiskers sit there laughing at all efforts to remove them.It's all too hard :mad: Poor me. :p
Speaking of men in black, both Neil and Doorstop were resplendant in their black shirts at the Sydney Show, perhaps thats where Neil got his secret recipies for his polishes from. :rolleyes: Alien dna, the truth is out there. :)
Cliff Rogers
24th June 2004, 12:01 AM
OK, Id like to order some 611's please!!!
Do you want that in Flowerlace???
I kinda liked Michelle in the 449, goosebumps & all.
& check out the 449 in cobweb!!!!!
24th June 2004, 08:21 AM
If we were meant to shave we'd have been born without beards!
24th June 2004, 10:05 AM
I wear a dustcoat, a lovely blue colour - I've cut the sleeves off though - they sh%t me! sometimes I wear my pouch too dependant on the job at hand.
has anyone seen those aprons you can get with a picture of michaelangelo's "David" dickandall ???? I'd like one of them....
24th June 2004, 10:08 AM
sometimes I wear my pouch too
Are we talking posing pouches here? :eek:
Wood Borer
24th June 2004, 10:14 AM
God blessed some blokes with beautiful heads, the rest he gave hair to disguise their ugliness.
Combing over is a bit like French Polishing weathered chipboard - doesn't really do much for the appearance.
- Wood Borer
24th June 2004, 10:44 AM
Silent c
must eat well,
look at the cookie jars.
24th June 2004, 07:17 PM
has anyone seen those aprons you can get with a picture of michaelangelo's "David" dickandall ???? I'd like one of them....
I'm starting to worry about you.
First it was the muffins you made (which SilentC stole :mad: )
And now penis envy. :confused: :confused: :confused:
25th June 2004, 08:55 AM
nothing wrong with my trouser dept mr hovo... I just saw one of the aprons for a bbq recently and instantly wanted one.
I maintain that you should have eaten the muffins sooner...
25th June 2004, 09:04 PM
I used to wear whatever I put on in the morning, but since I superglued my jeans to my leg I tend to go for old stuff :)
1st September 2004, 12:09 PM
I notice no-one has mentioned the unpleasant fact of the wrath of SWMBO when "what I put on in the morning" becomes"Special old clothes" later in the same day :eek:
1st September 2004, 03:45 PM
definitely pajamas ;)
1st September 2004, 03:55 PM
Pajamas are a risk if you get excited when you are using your jointer :eek:
Kind regards
1st September 2004, 05:17 PM
You could find yourself singing a Russian folk song.
The one by Ivan Kutcherkokoff! :D
1st September 2004, 09:17 PM
This is me about to head out to the shed - got a problem with that?
Or maybe this is a throwback to a story about the guy who auctioned his ex-wife's wedding dress on Ebay and modelled it so people could see what they were buying.
Here's a link to the broader story - makes for a good read!!
His commentary is pretty funny
1st September 2004, 11:48 PM
I like to wear my tight, white overalls..... thank you, thank you very much....
Andy Self
1st September 2004, 11:51 PM
Thank you, Elvis, that is what I needed at nearly 11 PM on a Wednesday night. I preferred the politically incorrect stuff, actually, but don't tell anyone.
2nd September 2004, 05:43 PM
It sorta depends on who's around as some people get pretty freaked at my normal attire and power tools. I wear long skirts most of the time (well I am female!!) and generally sandals. I always wear tops that won't get caught in anything however. If I'm in public the skirt and sandals becomes trousers and boots!
6th September 2004, 12:29 AM
just a quick safety suggestion for your attire, delicately placed piece of duct tape and stop looking at 611's and 449's(both quite nice really) or you may tangle.
personally i like to wear whatevers lying on the floor on a Saturday morning, although i have ruled out track pants as they tend to melt when grinding sparks land on them, my last attempt left a 100mm diameter hole and some nice little red marks on my upper thigh.
9th September 2004, 02:05 PM
Thinking along the lines that SWMBO bitches all the time about the clothes that I wear when I'm in my shed, we were up at the shops the other day and I suggested that I buy a set of carpenters overalls. The reply, "What do you want them for?"
Cant bloody win can you :confused: .
Kind regards
9th September 2004, 08:50 PM
Maybe I over dress, but tucked in long sleeve shirt into king gee work trousers with blunnie safety boots, so when I do drop something sharp and/or heavy my feet do not get any more scars! :rolleyes:
John Saxton
9th September 2004, 09:09 PM
Thanx Christopha of the piccy of Elvis with the camel toe ...he's definately not on the Scarfield diet!
Personally a pair of overalls suffice loose sleeves etc to get in the way.
Cheers :)
9th September 2004, 10:18 PM
The most disturbing thing is that 6% wear jeans a flanny and a false beard yet 7% work in the nude :eek: :eek: :D
18th November 2004, 10:31 PM
Today was real hot so I just wore hearing protection
5th March 2005, 08:42 PM
Being British, naturally we dress for each occasion, and woodworking is no exception.
It wouldnt do to be wearing those jeans thingies in the work shop, no, the traditional apparel for woodworking is Harris Tweeds, plus fours, deerstalker with built in ear portectors and safety glasses and of course the mandatory buckskin apron with pouch.
5th March 2005, 08:47 PM
And if you forget any of that apparel, does Nanny come and give you a good whipping? :confused:
5th March 2005, 08:50 PM
only if yer get it dirty I suppose. :p :p :D
5th March 2005, 09:26 PM
And if you forget any of that apparel, does Nanny come and give you a good whipping? :confused:
You cant beat a good thrashing old son thats what strops were made for. Getting wet again!
6th March 2005, 09:26 PM
You cant beat a good thrashing old son thats what strops were made for.
Is that why hoges had strop.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D