View Full Version : Bad Product. Don't Use
13th May 2009, 06:52 AM
Maybe not a good time to write as I am just FUMING!
Got the thrid coat of clear after a lot of rubbing and decided it was time to fill the pores.
Did so with this #%^**#@# product and the stuff stayed white!
Note product says it is for pore fill!
Now to strip all my work away and start all over - after I see how far I am able to throw this can!
13th May 2009, 07:22 AM
Sorry to hear, did it say to apply before or after clear?
Honorary Bloke
13th May 2009, 07:57 AM
Before you throw the can too far, consider this:
As a rule, pore filler is meant to be coloured before application. This can be a matching colour or a contrasting one if you are looking for something interesting. That appears to be a water-based filler, so you will want to colour it with either a water-based stain, or, better choice, Universal Tinting Colorants (UTCs).
Sand it back, do a bit of reading up on pore fillers, and have another go. :) :2tsup:
13th May 2009, 08:25 AM
Don't blame the product! Any commercial pore filler I've ever seen is meant to be tinted. However, use quality tints because the cheaper warm colours (reds and red browns) tend to fade to green in time e.g. Edwardian frenchpolished 'mahogany' furniture. As with all finishing, until you are completely au fait with the product, always do a test board.
13th May 2009, 12:42 PM
You all may be right about this pore filler. That it is meant to be colored afterward. But I swear I have used some from this very can for a following clearcoat - that was five + years ago. The majority of the ingredients are talc and quartz - thought they would clear out.
I didn't throw it, but I did strip the piece.
I like the "decorative pore fill" as described by Geogres Frank and am thinking about just that for my upcoming Humidor. I use Grumbacher oils for decorative pore fill but must wait for the oil paint to dry and that can tke 10 days to two weeks.
I suppose I could use this stuff and then hit it with an anilyne dye for similar results. With the oil paint idea one can get the precise color one wants. With anilyne it needs much more experimentation to get just the right color.
So now I have a very grainy wood to fill.
Anyone have an idea for a clear coat pore fill?
Honorary Bloke, I am only American by birth - not by choice! Si Je pouvias, Je voudrais vivre en France!
13th May 2009, 12:52 PM
How old is it? Is there a chance it has gone 'off'? :?
13th May 2009, 12:59 PM
Me thinks yer right Ruffly. It's at least six years in the can. Took a propeller and a high speed drill to it for a full 6 minutes to get it homogenous again - should have done a test.
All this shouldn't bother me but I have been out of work for four months now (finish carpenter) and I really need to sell this piece.
Next project - curved
13th May 2009, 01:12 PM
So how far does the can fly? :-
13th May 2009, 01:20 PM
I only talk angrily. I don't 'act out'!
Besides, acting out cost money.
No throw and test out.
The problems I encounter are just me encountering my self!
13th May 2009, 02:58 PM
I can so empathise you :rolleyes: though don't discount how good it feels to trash something, legitimately of course :D
I have been known to kick pinecones around a backyard for awhile on more than one occasion. I also scrubbed down a kitchen, by hand, on hands and knees too - that was a very bad fight:cool:, but boy that kitchen sparkled....
Good luck with this piece! Oh yes nearly forgot! Thanks for the tantalising picture :wink::U
13th May 2009, 03:49 PM
My first thoughts when I saw the can was how old is that? I would say it is well past its use by date. :)
joe greiner
13th May 2009, 11:09 PM
BTDT. Most such products have a shelf life, before first opening. After first opening, a different schedule starts. The manufacturer may have a web site or other contact information for guidance, but even their accelerated testing can provide only an educated wild guess. Beyond two years is hopeless, IMHO.
15th May 2009, 11:22 AM
After stripping the fresh finish off I tried another can of the same product - in dry form this time (unmixed, just the powder) added my dry colors and some distilled water and am now done - yep DONE!
Just rubbed out the last coat of laquer (ten hours of solid work).
I would not have gone the route I went without the input I found, from you all, in my angrily written post.
Very pleased with the result.
15th May 2009, 12:38 PM