View Full Version : G'Day all from Simon

4th May 2009, 10:29 PM
Hi, I'm new to this site, found through my search for the right wood for boatbuilding. I've done a bit a kitchen building (I made the melamine cabinets and Tasmanian myrtle doors) but haven't used my 25 year old Shopsmith Mk V much due to work commitments.
I recently bought a forty year old Hartley TS16 trailer sailer, have fallen in love with timber boats and want to build another one. I'd always thought that timber would be inferior to GRP durability-wise and that this was one of life's tragedies (who really wants to sail around in a bit of plastic?) From what I read epoxies and glass sheathing over timber has changed this and means that there's still a place for a well-built timber boat in the universe.
I'll probably bore you all with a lot of questions but I have a lot to learn, and it looks like this is the place to do it! Thanks for having me "on board"

5th May 2009, 09:38 AM
Welcome aboard Simon, nice to have you here. Look forward to some of your posts.