View Full Version : what can i do - front windows

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3rd May 2009, 10:50 AM
At the front of our house is about 15metres to the road, we do not have a fence put up yet (its planned) and the road is busy - constant about 20 cars per 5 mins, and have people walking past on the footpath at the front, the front rooms of the house is master bedroom and study, both windows are drawn closed everyday as we dont want people to look in and see what we have specially the study.
Ive looked at Mirror Film (looks like a mirror from outside that we can see outside from inside, but the downside is that at night time its reverse and we cant see from inside to outside at night!!
What choices do we have here that way I can have the roller shutters/curtains open during day time to allow light in and be able to see outside, fence will help but you can still see the windows of what is inside.

Read and reply to the full thread at RenovateForum.com.... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=76099&goto=newpost)