30th April 2009, 12:26 PM
The teacher had just finished a dissertation on war and peace. "How
many of you," he asked, "would say you're opposed to war?"
Not surprisingly, all hands went up.
The teacher asked, "Who'll give us the reason for being opposed to war?"
Tony raised his hand.
"Tony?" the teacher said.
"I hate war," Tony said, "because wars make history, and then some
poor, innocent kid has to memorize it all."
many of you," he asked, "would say you're opposed to war?"
Not surprisingly, all hands went up.
The teacher asked, "Who'll give us the reason for being opposed to war?"
Tony raised his hand.
"Tony?" the teacher said.
"I hate war," Tony said, "because wars make history, and then some
poor, innocent kid has to memorize it all."