View Full Version : rental flooring

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25th April 2009, 09:00 PM
just renovating an old house which I want to rent out. It has cypress floorboards which are covered in lino. I love polished floorboards, thats why I have them in my house, but seeing as its a rental, it would be a shame to spend all that cash on a polish job and then find that the tenants do not care for the floor as you or I would. So, theres the laminate flooring option. I do not have any skirting, jambs or architraves to worry about so laying it would be rather simple. Its more tenant friendly as I can change a damaged board and charge the tenant as opposed to having scuffed and marked polished boards which come under wear and tear.
But, If I go the laminate flooring option, it means that If I ever want to polish the floorboards in the future, I will have me a 10mm gap under all the jambs and skirting.
I could fit out the house and then lay the laminate, but this is a real pain in the @@@@ around doorways because of the cutting around the different shapes, I did it for the sister in law (to practice!!) and really loathed this part of the job. As will as also having to put Scotia or something else on the bottom of the skirting to cover the gap.
Any other ideas or have I missed something in the laying of the laminate flooring?

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=76005&goto=newpost)