View Full Version : Hard Wood floors

Reno RSS Feed
24th April 2009, 11:30 PM
G'day all, new to the forum and new to renovating. I have a 1982 town house and I want to replace the carpert with hardwood floors (Tassy Oak), It is on a cement slab (27yrs since laid). I have been looking at standard timber floors, i.e. membrane MDF and hardwood boards on top of that (approx 30mm thickness from the slab). However there is a company in West Melbourne who does solid timber ovberlay floor boards ("matching the wear layer thickness of 19mm Tongue and Groove). They lay a plastic membrane then chip board over that then the fabricated boards (all up the thickness is approx 14mm). The solid timber overlay floor boards are around 7mm thick (they come pre sanded and require a light sand). Has any one had any experience with this type of product and if so would you recomened it? Cheers Pete

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=75993&goto=newpost)