11th April 2009, 09:24 PM
G'day all
Thought I'd introduce myself. My name's Russell and I'm in Perth WA. I've decided that I'm going to build a boat so I've been doing my homework and the Woodwork forum pops up a lot while searching. Some very helpful stuff at this early stage so thanks already. Good info and good leads.
I'm not in a hurry and planning is the key so I'll keep collecting information until I'm ready to go. I mean I don't even have anywhere to build a boat; I live in a unit so it looks like I'm buying a shed with a house or an industrial unit before I start buying timber and parts!
Any way thanks again and you'll here from me in the future.
Thought I'd introduce myself. My name's Russell and I'm in Perth WA. I've decided that I'm going to build a boat so I've been doing my homework and the Woodwork forum pops up a lot while searching. Some very helpful stuff at this early stage so thanks already. Good info and good leads.
I'm not in a hurry and planning is the key so I'll keep collecting information until I'm ready to go. I mean I don't even have anywhere to build a boat; I live in a unit so it looks like I'm buying a shed with a house or an industrial unit before I start buying timber and parts!
Any way thanks again and you'll here from me in the future.