View Full Version : Staining & Varnishing Floating floorboards

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9th April 2009, 08:50 PM
Am hoping someone could put me out of my misery.
My considerate landlords have decided to put in floating floorboards prior to me moving in. They have renovated the whole apartment and asked me to choose paint colurs and so forth. When asking re advice on floorboards, i loosley said, "anything as long as it is a dark wood. This is classic and would suit the charachter of the place and bring some elegance to this place " i advised.

Well ,they came back with veneer that is multicoloured, with a reddish tinge to it. It is a chip chop of different woods. Specifically it is called "Dante" from Allwood Amerind range. It is awful, but i can appreciate some think it is beautiful.

Can i stain/varmish it? They are planning on putting a top coat over the boards anyway, to seal gaps, and are aware they made a misjudgement. They were swayed by sales and price.
Any product suggestions?
Most appreciate ur time and assistance,

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=75838&goto=newpost)