View Full Version : smooth finish

8th June 2004, 03:03 AM
I've using mirrotone's black metal etch to "stain" some silver ash veneer and followed by 3 coats of mirotone's satin finish. Got the really black finish, but not very smooth though-noticed it was the etch that wasn't applied smothly. Any ideas on how to apply this. As the veneer was deeply (not enough to expose below the veneer-got it real cheap :) as reject stock from Brimsboard) scratched, I rubbed some putty on it, again on the finished top I get to see a thick wad of putty, maring the nice crown cut grain. Thoght I might want to improve on the next table top I do

9th June 2004, 09:35 PM
sounds like you have surface preparation problems.

firstly did you sand back after each but the last coat?

second if you rubbed anthing on the surface you need to do the whole surface then sand back to a good finish.

any problems at a previous step will just get worse on the next if not fixed first.

make sure the surface is the best it can be at every step pefore proceding.

better job next time.