View Full Version : two pot clear finish on red gum?

29th March 2009, 11:06 PM
Evening All
I'm nearly ready to apply a clear finish to a red gum slab i've spent the past few weekends on, and as I havent done a slab before, particulalry in a bath room vanity unit situation, unsure about what kind of finish to use. Estapol? Two pot finish?
I'm inclined to do the 2 pot mix because of the claimed durability, but have no experience using it at all.
Any advice greatly appreciated.

30th March 2009, 09:09 AM
I havent done a slab before, particulalry in a bath room vanity unit situation, unsure about what kind of finish to use. Estapol? Two pot finish?
I'm inclined to do the 2 pot mix because of the claimed durability, but have no experience using it at all.
Any advice greatly appreciated.

Many years ago we had to make some bathroom furniture out of Spotted Gum and found a very successful finish from the Feast Watson range of oil finishes.
Not sure which it was, may have been an Exterior Floor finish, it was water proof and had a very nice lustre on the end product. Big bonus was that it could be spruced up again in years to come with a minimum of effort unlike 2 pack or Estapol (Which does have a tendency to yellow over time.)

