View Full Version : Boiled Tung oil wanted

25th March 2009, 10:44 PM
Where can I buy some Boiled Tung oil in North Brisbane please. I thought the big green shed sold it but no they don't any more.:D:D


25th March 2009, 11:03 PM
Boiled Tung oil? That's news to me! I wonder if you're confusing two separate products; Tung oil and boiled Linseed oil?

Either product may be suitable for your purposes, but one may be more suitable than the other. What do you want it for?

26th March 2009, 08:07 AM
Boiled Tung oil? That's news to me! I wonder if you're confusing two separate products; Tung oil and boiled Linseed oil?

Either product may be suitable for your purposes, but one may be more suitable than the other. What do you want it for?

I'm with Woodwould i'd say one or the other on the Northside try http://www.goodsandchattels.com/ 48 Webster Road STAFFORD Q 4053
Ph (07) 3391 5764 Fax (07) 3112 6197

Never been there myself but am told they carry most thing other shops don't.



Big Shed
26th March 2009, 09:03 AM
This got me intrigued, like WW I have never heard of "boiled tung oil", so I Googled it.

Came up with this (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070527235314AASz3gD), that may be that sparked this enquiry?

Grumpy John
26th March 2009, 09:08 AM
Very interesting reading, thanks for that Fred. :2tsup:

chippy 71
26th March 2009, 01:38 PM
I'm with Woodwould i'd say one or the other on the Northside try http://www.goodsandchattels.com/ 48 Webster Road STAFFORD Q 4053
Ph (07) 3391 5764 Fax (07) 3112 6197

Never been there myself but am told they carry most thing other shops don't.



I agree with Steve, Goods & Chattels should have what you want. I too have not been there but according to a mate who has, they are on the left hand side coming out of town between the creek and the lights at Wolverhampton St.


26th March 2009, 08:01 PM
Thanks guys, I'll try them.:D:D