View Full Version : Random orbital rules

5th June 2004, 11:37 AM
When you bring home that brand new ROS as the pride of your finishing fleet, display it before SWMBO (who secretly views the cost and subconsciously farewells the planned anniversary night at a swank city hotel), and you are test sanding a piece of scrap on the bench -there - are a couple of things to remember:
1. DO remember to place the sanding disc on the pad...
2. DO place extraneous polishing cloths AWAY from where they can be sucked into said ROS!!
If not, the following consequences may apply:
a. it destroys cloth
b. it destroys said pride of the finishing fleet
c. it destroys confidence in one's perception as a remarkable workshop talent
d. it destroys relationship with credit card company
e. it evaporates aspirations for that long-awaited anniversary conubial with SWMBO
f. Bunnings staff do have long memories!

5th June 2004, 08:03 PM
Bugger :D

5th June 2004, 08:22 PM
1. DO remember to place the sanding disc on the pad...

I thought that was just me?
I wonder why the sander is takeing so long sometimes.. :confused: .....................Duh, no disk... :o

Al :D

John Saxton
7th June 2004, 09:09 PM
Troutface ,needless to say ROS or credit card ...it's all full o' learnin' curves...just ask me I'm broke and Er In doors has a mortgage on all the nice gear. :rolleyes:

Cheers :)