View Full Version : Bubbles in floor polishing

24th March 2009, 02:45 PM
Hi All,

just had the floor installed, sanded and polished. What's with the bubbles? Can I do anything about them? Should the installer be liable or is this the standard of work with polyurethane (sealer and 2 coats of gloss)?

thanks everyone,


24th March 2009, 04:37 PM
Are they actually bubbles or entrained dirt/dust in your finish. If dust that is poor :((.

If bubbles, then I am wondering if there has been (a) some sort of bad reaction between the sealer and the top coat or (b) air or water vapour has got into the coating prior to it drying ??

Am sure someone else may be able to offer better advice. Perhaps Neal ?

24th March 2009, 06:40 PM
Looks like grit to me..


24th March 2009, 11:17 PM
A dear old guy who polished my cypress floors some years ago, when I quizzed him he said that it was caused by "air cracks". He explained it by saying that as the timber seasons it sometimes cracks along its grain with minute cracks undetectable until you put the poly over the top. Also the thickness of the poly has a bearing on it as well. If you can imagine maybe 3 fairly heavey coats put on say only a day apart with a pad and being aware of the ferocity of the thinner that is in the stuff and the temperature of the day and nights in question .......Yes there is a lot to the problem, I would get your man back to see what he has to say first! He may suggest a rub down and application of 1 more coat. Thats what fixed mine
Best of luck .....Rod