View Full Version : Treating 10,000m of Jarrah

Paul Clark
17th March 2009, 10:14 PM
Hi everyone, this is my first ever post having just joined your forum.... I have just installed 10000 m of jarrah rails on galvanised posts and I'm unsure of what to use on the timber to treat and preserve it. The old creosote days are gone, but I'm hoping to end up with the same sort of look. Don't want to paint it white! Thinking I should be oiling, maybe Linseed and diesel, rather than painting to avoid having to remove the old paint once it fades. Heard of Stud Black - lanolin based product, but with mixed results from those who used it. Does anyone know what would be the best product to use on a job this size?

17th March 2009, 10:46 PM
Heck!! 10000 is a long jobby. More expert (experienced) members will, I'm sure, come in to answer your question - I'm replying to welcome you to the board.


17th March 2009, 11:08 PM
10 km of railing !! – what have you enclosed?

at that length I'd be looking at something I could spray on that doesn't need any subsequent wiping down or sanding


Paul Clark
18th March 2009, 01:43 AM
Thanks Soth and Ian,

It is fencing for an equestrian property. Agree that it will definately need to be sprayed on, just not sure what to spray on, any thoughts? I'm guessing I will need about 300litres of whatever I use.



18th March 2009, 05:40 PM

1st off check the required colour with your client.

Equestrian rails are often white, something to do with how horses see I believe


18th March 2009, 07:56 PM
Yeah horses seem to go nuts over what seems to be the most harmless of noises.

Been known to do some serious damage to themselves in wire fences, especially since they can run quite quickly (obviously). Seen them just charge thru strands of the white tape electric fences when spooked that the boss strings up around his place. Insane creatures if u ask me. Only my opinion.

White for a horse fence sounds good to me.