View Full Version : 3.25" floor boards

Reno RSS Feed
17th March 2009, 03:30 AM
I've been given the order to finish the insides before I get the green light for the deck. (which is probably a bad idea as the more I think about it the bigger it gets) But now to my dilema.

I removed a cupboard and i na mad rush to make it safe for christmas festivities I acquired some floor boards but they were only 80mm, so rather than spend time finding the correct size 82-83mm ( i beileve thats 3.25 inch) I put in the old boards and filled the small gap with some caulking. Problem now I want to sand the boards up to look good but I know I'll be wasting my time and it'll look shocking.

So I'm wondering in sydney where to start trying to find some floor boards, obviously recylcers would be the best but where? Any ideas?

The house is a late 70s BV defensive built.

I guess failing locating some replacement boards I could dig up some of the bedroom ones and replace them with something less suitable as the bedrooms will be getting carpetted in the next ocuple of months.

Oh, I'm located in Sydney.

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=75598&goto=newpost)