16th March 2009, 04:37 PM
G'day from Brisbane. I found this site while googling for info on building a cubby for the kids before they are old enough to buy their own house. There are no woodworkers in the family - the old man was a boilermaker, and I found growing up that if you're trying to fix two bits of wood together, you should try screws and glue, as it's tough getting an arc from the stick welder. I've done a few odd jobs with timber eg framing, making gates, hanging doors and just last weekend making a casement window for the shed out of old windows etc, but nothing substantial from scratch, so this site is great. I do have a chest of drawers that my great-great(?) uncle built in 1841, so maybe there's something floating around in the DNA. Plus I hoarded old the old timber from our house reno and I need an excuse to do something with it.