View Full Version : Regulations regarding bathroom windows

Reno RSS Feed
14th March 2009, 01:00 AM
Hi All,

I'm looking for some info on whether there are any regulations about bathroom windows.

Specifically what I am wanting to know is whether a bathroom window must be able to be opened, or if I can install a single pane of glass without any kind of operable window fittings.

I am about to start a reno of my house and part of the reno is a new bathroom and ensuite, in both of these rooms we want to install large high windows across the rear of each. We think that we will get a much cleaner look if we can just have a simple pane of glass, rather than a sliding type or awning or casement or whatever.

When the draftsperson drew our plans, he has indicated that the windows will have a fixed part and an opening part, even though we told him that we just wanted a single pane.

Does this mean that there is some requirement to be able to open a bathroom window for ventilation, or did he just get it wrong?

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com... (http://www.renovateforum.com/showthread.php?t=75561&goto=newpost)